embedbing different digital learning objects (DLO) on our blogs

Embedding learning into our Blogs

By type_your_name Ana m

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is type_your_Favorited reading

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

cybersmart – private and public

public – first name ‘ age ‘ favorite subject at school ‘ my learning goal ‘ favorite things e’g hobbies ‘ my strength ‘ how many brother and sister ‘ my name of pet ‘ someone I admire /look up to (like a hero).

private – my full name (first and last name) ‘ date of birth ‘ home address ‘ email address ‘ phone number ‘ brother and sister is name ‘ parents name.

my monster – about me.

Greeting Malo e lelei
Name and age My name is Spiky and I am a year 8 student at Glenbrae school.
Type of monster and special attributes I am a spider but I turn into a monster which is spiky. I have sharp teeth and I have spike legs. I have 6 legs, three on each side. I really love climbing in spider webs so that I could play with my friend’s 
Favorite subject My favorite subject at school is art because I could use my 6 arms and paint a beautiful tree with nice beautiful flowers.  
Interests and hobbies I really love playing rugby because it is just fun to bump people. I really love going to the beach and barbecuing. I really love  reading at home and playing with my siblings. 

Monster Character Profile


Name: My monster mate is named spikey.


My animal is a boy that loves to play with people. He has six legs, three on each side he has red eyes  and two spikes on each side. He also has red lines between his long spiky legs.



Mean ‘ angry ‘ gentle ‘ scary ‘ afraid ‘ nervous ‘ culm ‘ clumsy.

about me

Malo e lelei my name is Ana. Welcome to my blog. 

I am 11 years old and I am a year 8 in glen. I started glenbrae school in 2021. My favorite color is purple blue and also pink. My favorite food is fish, salmon and sushi. My favorite subjects are writing and reading. My favorite sport is rugby ‘ basketball and tough  I have been to three schools, my first one is point England school, my second is pukekohe north school and my third one is glenbrae where I am at right now. Thank you for reading my about me    

learning to swim is important

today me and my class worked on learning how to swim is important.

Learning to swim is important.

Swimming is a type of exercise


Swimming is a fun and physical activity that helps with safety, swimming


also helps with our health benefits, and is a popular sport, fitness.  


Swimming also has a lot of different styles which help a lot with breathing and focusing on energy


Swimming helps you maintain a healthy weight and also a healthy heart. It helps us with our toned muscles and it also helps with strength.